This short digital video is one of eight, made in response to LOCAL SENSES’ participation in Liberty Festival 2022, Deptford, London.
For Liberty Festival, LOCAL SENSES shared their poems, music and meditations with both attendees of the festival and local residents.
The video focuses on the words deployed by the group as they respond to the environment beyond the visual. This focus does not seek to make a narrative of this process but rather to hold open the moment of encounter between the group and the environment. As a result, many subtitles appear on screen at once making a conventional reading difficult to achieve. This encourages instead a type of reading that is more like listening, and a type of listening more attuned to the plurality of voices at play. The video also includes the voice of the speech-to-text translation service employed to generate the subtitles (rendered in green), complicating the embodied environment with the environment of translation and reproduction.
More information about the work of LOCAL SENSES can be accessed by clicking on the tab ‘LOCAL SENSES’, below.